ISI employs Vendor Neutral Architecture, VNA, to integrate across disparate platforms, providing Images, Lab Results, Order Results, and Clinical Documentation.
ISI Workflow + integrates disparate platforms into a single data source to effect workflow, data management and data analytics of population health.
ISI solutions are used across the globe by Business Process Organizations, Practice Management Groups, Health Networks, and PACS Systems users.
ISI software applications are driven by user defined routing rules to sequence controlled tasks automating the flow of work within and between work environments.
Improve outcomes by:
Integrating disparate healthcare systems: EHRs, RIS/PACS, and CIS Systems to consolidate data
Securely providing patient data for consultations
Enabling greater patient control of their own data
HIMSS March 25, 2019 newly established definitions for Interoperability sates:
Interoperability is the ability of different information systems, devices or applications to connect, in a coordinated manner, within and across organizational boundaries to access, exchange and cooperatively use data amongst stakeholders, with the goal of optimizing the health of individuals and populations.
Optimally, interoperability facilitates connections and integration across these systems to occur regardless of the data’s origin or destination or the applications employed, and ensures the data are usable and readily available to share without additional intervention by the end user.
ISI Workflow is used internationally by many of the largest organizations in Ireland, the UK and the US.
ISI Workflow meets the fundamental requirements of an HIE bridging:
Complex computer systems
Large networks of people
Distinct organizations
Our Workflow utilizes Interoperable Standards, including HL7, FHIR and OSI, protocols to help accomplish the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Systems (CMS) goals of:
Reducing costs by eliminating duplicate tests and redundant consultations
Encouraging providers to adopt Interoperability
Providing incentives for developers to optimize patient access to their Health Data
Providing tools to assimilate data meaningful for the patient and for the provider
Focusing on the innovator community
Using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to centralize patient data
Allowing for the exchange of data between business partners
Enhancing data sets for providers, patients, and other stakeholders
Providing population health data for disease management and treatment
Incorporating FHIR web services for interoperable exchange of data
Interface Simplification
ISI’s unique Workflow combines the best of a workflow engine with interoperable architecture to allow for the free flow
of work and data between disparate systems. ISI’s robust front end applications for speech recognition, clinical
documentation, and document management receive or transmit to disparate systems.
ISI’s Workflow platform utilizes the latest Health data exchange architectures and standards like Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) to insure relevant data can be be shared effectively and securely across the complete spectrum of care. ISI Workflow interoperability facilitates connections and integrations across these systems to occur regardless of the data’s origin, destination, or the applications employed, and ensures the data are usable and readily available to share without additional intervention by the end user.
Put ISI’s Engineers and Software to work for you. Allow us to solve your integration challenge. We will bridge the gap.
Multifaceted Solutions
Multitudes of transcriptions
Interoperable Systems and Images, Inc